How Diversity Drives Change in Social Work at KVC Nebraska

We weave diversity into the work we do at KVC Nebraska. While the poverty rate in Nebraska has gone down in the last decade, more than 90% of the 60,000 children living in poverty in our state are of non-white ethnic backgrounds. This metric illustrates overrepresentation compared to Nebraska’s population as a whole, which is more than 80% white.
Children from many diverse backgrounds live in poverty, and many of those are involved in the child welfare system. It is vital for social work and child welfare organizations like KVC Nebraska to recognize and value diversity. Explore how diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI+B) play a crucial role in our work at KVC Nebraska. Discover how we are driving DEI+B forward as we serve children and families.
How We Define Diversity at KVC
Diversity is an important component of what we do here at KVC Nebraska and KVC Health Systems as a whole. We ground our commitment to diversity in the diverse backgrounds of the children, adults, and families we serve. Additionally, we have spearheaded DEI+B initiatives and councils across KVC, including a local council here in Nebraska.

Dr. Abyssinia “Dr. Aby” Washington Tabron, KVC Health Systems’ Vice President of Clinical Engagement and DEI+B
As Dr. Abyssinia “Dr. Aby” Washington Tabron, KVC Health Systems’ Vice President of Clinical Engagement and DEI+B, explains, “Diversity encompasses all the ways that we’re similar and different.” The children, adults and families we serve are diverse in many ways, including race, religion, socio-economic status, gender identity, country of origin, ability and more. From LGBTQIA+ youth to children and individuals with developmental disabilities, we are committed to providing resources, support and stability to children, families and individuals in need in our local communities.
Diversity is Crucial to Social Work and Child Welfare
Children and families involved in social work and child welfare in Nebraska come from many diverse backgrounds. Many of these families belong to racial minorities. In 2022, more than half of the children involved in Nebraska’s child welfare system were non-white, with half of that number being of Hispanic origin.
By valuing diversity among the social workers and child welfare systems supporting these children and families, we can provide different perspectives. This approach allows us to empathize and connect with our clients on a deeper level. President of KVC Nebraska Ashley Brown says, “It’s all about equitable access to services and support that are resulting in positive impacts for individuals, children and families.” Embracing diversity in the child welfare system allows for greater awareness, openness, and understanding. This approach enhances our ability to provide services to individuals, children, and families in need.
How Inclusion at KVC Impacts the Care and Services We Provide
Embracing diversity directly impacts the services we provide to individuals, children and families at KVC Nebraska. Dr. Aby explains, “We anchor our approach to healthcare in recognizing that relationships — how people are connected to themselves, their community and their families — actually impact their ability to heal and build resilience.” This anchoring in the diversity of people, relationships, and communities helps us better understand the needs of children and families in foster care. It is particularly important because it is not uncommon for a non-white child to be placed in a foster home with white caregivers.
A DEI+B Success: Textured Hair Care Guide
When we approach social work and child welfare with diversity in mind, the result is exponential. One recent example is the development of our new guide on how to care for textured hair!
Children with textured hair are not always placed with caregivers who understand the necessary care. This guide helps normalize the diverse needs of children and youth in foster care. In addition to the guide, KVC provides haircare kits to foster parents. These kits include high-quality products and information on how to use them for the child in their care.
Why Having Diverse Social Work Teams Matters
Ultimately, we all need connection. Because the people we serve are diverse, we believe it is important for our teams to also reflect that diversity! “It’s woven into the DNA here at KVC,” says Brown.
“We have a really intentional focus around company culture, making KVC a great place to work, recruiting and retaining well-trained, compassionate people to do this work.” – Ashley Brown, President of KVC Nebraska
Diversity is about more than just what we see. It involves taking the time to understand and get to know one another as individuals. We embrace different perspectives and remain open to questions and vulnerability. “A lot of it is about the culture and the space that we create,” says Brown. “We make sure that we create space to ask questions, share experiences where others are really actively listening to understand and do the work that they’re doing even better.”
Promoting Diversity Internally at KVC
Unfortunately, today’s culture doesn’t always place a high value on diversity, equity and inclusion, and several large companies have eliminated DEI policies entirely. Brown states that this cultural shift has motivated KVC to adopt a “double-down approach.” This approach places an even greater emphasis on diversity, enhancing our work of helping people.
We believe that a diverse workforce at KVC Nebraska is significant in how we serve. It also enhances the culture of our teams and helps create a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment. The more diverse our perspectives, the greater the work we can do for each other and those we serve!
Bring Your Perspective to KVC Nebraska
Diversity is about more than just race or ethnicity. As Dr. Aby notes, it is all the ways we are similar and different! We believe that everyone has a unique perspective to offer when they are willing to be vulnerable and share it. We can learn a lot by asking questions and being open to new viewpoints.
If you believe in the value of diversity and want to be part of making a difference in the lives of children and families in Nebraska, we would love for you to join our team!