Kids and Smoke Don’t Mix! Annual Awareness Message
In accordance with the KVC Nebraska Child Placing Agency Guidebook, all KVC foster parents will provide a safe and comfortable environment for children/youth to live in to include abstaining from smoking in the home. The following is a brief overview of the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke and why kids and smoke don’t mix.
Dangers of Smoking
- Smokers breathe in over 4,000 chemicals
- Hundreds are hazardous
- More than 50 cause cancer
Secondhand Smoke
What’s in it?
- Carbon monoxide
- Arsenic
- Benzene
- Formaldehyde
- Many other toxic chemicals
Smoke Drifts
- Going outside to smoke may not protect kids inside if the smoke drifts back in
- Cigarette Butts are toxic to children
Smoke Sticks Around
- Smoke leaves behind a toxic film, sometimes called thirdhand smoke
- It gets on things that children touch
- It releases toxins back into the air
- Can trigger asthma attacks
Why Are We So Concerned About Kids & Smoke?
- According to the Surgeon General there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke
Health Effects of Smoke on Kids
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Pneumonia, bronchitis
- Sore throats, colds
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Ear infections
- More dental cavities
Effects on Learning
- Shorter attention span
- Behavior problems
- Lower IQ
- Lower test scores
What Can You Do? Be a Role Model
- Don’t smoke
- If you do smoke, quit!
*All of the above information was provided by First 5 California