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Ways to Know If Foster Parenting Is Right for You

Considering Foster Parenting?

Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent but don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself when considering becoming a foster parent to a child in need. This questionnaire is intended to be a starting point and a tool for personal reflection or discussion with your family. The questionnaire also highlights the core attitudes and behaviors that foster parents must demonstrate.

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Benefits of Foster Parenting

  • Make a lasting difference in a child’s life. The temporary care you give will provide a safe and stable environment for a child experiencing crisis such as abuse, neglect or other family challenges.
  • Experience personal growth. The parenting, communication and relationships skills you’ll build through fostering a child or teenager are life-changing.
  • Sharing your family’s love.

You Are Needed

The need for safe and licensed homes for children in foster care is always high. Last year in Nebraska, there were 31,376 reports of child abuse and neglect, 4,584 children in foster care and 705 children awaiting adoption. Learn more about foster care here. Please take the first step now by downloading this free questionnaire, “How to Know if Foster Parenting Is Right for You.”
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